Monday, October 17, 2011

Chapter 13 - ...With Music...(Part 2: Planning Sunday's Songs)

This chapter is all about planning the song set list (as well as other pieces that fit in or between songs) for a Sunday morning (or any event where we are gathered to worship through music).  All of what Kauflin says in this chapter is really pretty straight forward and practical.  Much of it what he has written in this chapter are the kind of things that are going through my head as I work on planning the music each week (though I still am learning new things about planning a service almost every week and I'm sure that I will have to be continually learning throughout the rest of my life). 

I know that this chapter is more directed at those who are actually planning a music set each week, but I hope that you will read it with the goal of gaining a better understanding of what we are after in a set for our Sunday morning services.  Keeping some of these things in mind will also help each of us to make suggestions (yes, I am always open to suggestions) that are not just personal desires but that are based on improving the service as a whole and will help the congregation to meet with and bring glory to God.

Was there anything that was surprising to you in this chapter or that you hadn't considered before?


  1. What stood out to me was making the selections flow - and using scripture to explain a song was very good. Doug's topic on integration tied right in too. That's two weeks in a row that the message and our study had a direct correlation. Must be coincidence. :)

  2. Yesterday since I knew what yesterday's sermon was going to end with;) The music really meant that much more to me. David I thought you did a good job for both services with the last song. I felt it really helped the congregation get excited about what God is doing.
    On a personal level, it encouraged me on how we have based our song choices for our women's retreat. That honestly is one of my favorite parts of being a part of the retreat worship, picking songs that go along with the theme as well as each teaching. The goals always being to help women worship our Lord
