Monday, August 15, 2011

Chapter 3

In the first couple pages of chapter 3, Kauflin addresses the importance of having both heart and mind involved in our worship of God.  He says, "Regardless of what we think or feel, there is no authentic worship of God without a right knowledge of God." (p. 28)  I believe that many churches and many Christians today have missed this vital aspect of our relationship with God.  It seems that many people today equate worshiping God with an emotional experience.  Now, there is certainly nothing wrong with having an emotional experience while worshiping God, in fact I think that emotional experiences can often be very helpful in building our relationship with Him.  However, if worship was only an emotional experience without our minds involved then it would be inauthentic and perhaps even idolatrous as Kauflin suggests.  As Christians we must have a balance between our hearts and our minds.  We must have a truthful understanding of who Jesus is and what He expects of us in order to worship Him appropriately. 

Imagine this situation, let's say there is a husband who is very emotionally attached to his wife and claims to love her more than anyone else, but at the same time he doesn't take the time to really know who his wife is.  He doesn't learn about what she likes and dislikes, he takes no interest in her work or hobbies, and he doesn't really know anything about her character or who she is as a person.  How well do you think this marriage will work?  It won't!  A relationship, while it includes emotional attachment, must be based on truth and knowledge of the other person and not only on emotions.  But this is exactly what many Christians are trying to do today in their relationship with Jesus.  They say, "Yes, I love Jesus and I worship Him passionately!" but they don't even know who He really is or what He likes and dislikes.  Our study of and knowledge of the truth of Jesus should inform our emotions.  The more we study Him and learn about Him the more we become amazed and awestruck by who He is and the more reason we have to show our love to Him. 

"Good theology helps us keep music in its proper place.  We learn that music isn't an end in itself but rather a means of expressing the worship already present in our hearts through the new life we've received in Jesus Christ." (p. 30)  I liked this quote from Kauflin a lot and it points out a couple of important things.  First, obviously, it points out that music is not an end in itself but rather a means to worship.  The second thing it shows is less obvious.  He says that music is a means of, "expressing the worship already present in our hearts".  If music is a way of expressing the worship that is already in our hearts then it tells us something about music.  Music itself is not worship.  Instead music is just one way of expressing our worship to God. 

Worship should be something we do throughout our lives each day.  Something that we can express in many ways in different avenues, not just through music.  We worship Him by showing love and kindness to others in our interactions.  We worship Him by reading and studying His word.  We can worship Him through all kinds of things each day and I think they could all be summed up in one word, obedience.  We worship God each day when we choose to obey His commands out of a desire to honor Him and bring glory to His Name.  This brings us back to incorporating mind and heart.  For our mind we must know who Jesus is and what He commanded in order to be obedient to Him.  For our hearts we must have love for Him which gives us a desire to honor Him and bring glory to His Name.

This chapter was a great reminder to me to focus on strengthening my relationship with Jesus.  Often times I've let my prayer and study time slip because of a busy schedule, but this time is more important than any other item in my schedule can be.  Through those times of prayer and study I can gain a greater understanding of who Jesus is so that I might be able to worship Him in a better more authentic way with both my mind and my heart.

What did you find helpful or interesting in this chapter?  Do you agree or disagree with Kauflin's and/or my thoughts?


  1. I must admit that I have been one of those people the author refers to.....hesitant to read books on Theology or Doctrine over the years, thinking that my brain probably is not deep enough for such things. However, he makes a good case for all of us to be more intentional in our worship, by challenging our minds with diligent study of God and His Word. Our heads as well as our hearts should always be fully engaged in worship, but I easily fall into distraction.....
    Something I love about many of the old Hymns is that there is a lot of great Theology & Doctrine in their lyrics.
    Something I also love about much of the newer music is it's simplicity....beautiful truths set in a few, often-repeated lyrics.
    Both have great value.

  2. I completely agree with Kauflin. When I was a young christian I was always searching for those mountain top experiences. As I have gotten to know Him more I have come to realize that it's all about living with Him on a day to day basis. I liked what he said on page 28...."Regardless of what we think or feel, there is no authentic worship of God without a right knowledge of God.
    And I think you summed it up well David in saying that our worship is that choice of obeying every day.

  3. I don't think of myself as a theologian as the title to me implies someone like Moody, Schaffer, Packer or many others who I hold in high regard (or like Madeline, I have felt I can't think those deep thoughts of a "theologian"). Mr. Kauflin has put this term in a new light for me and made it apparrent that if we truly believe in Christ, we can be and are theologians. I just need to work at being a "good" or better one.
