Monday, August 8, 2011

Worship Matters - Introduction

Hi Everyone,

I'm excited to be going through the book "Worship Matters" with you all and I hope that through it each one of us will be able to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ as well as grow specifically in our abilities as worship leaders.

If you didn't know, "Worship Matters" is a book I read for one of my classes that I'm taking as I work towards my masters degree.  It really stood out to me among other books that I have read and helped me in many ways to have a better picture of what worship is and what it means to be a part of the worship team that leads worship each week.

Each week I'll send out an e-mail to everyone with the chapters that we'll be reading for that particular week as well as a link to this blog where I will try to post some questions and thoughts that I have on each weeks readings.  Comments are enabled for this blog so I hope that you will also post some of your questions and thoughts on each weeks reading as well as responding to my and other team members posts (There will be a comments link that you can click on at the bottom of each new post).  Hopefully in this way we'll be able to have some discussion and dialogue as we progress through the book.

In regards to the comments I just want to lay out a couple of ground rules real quick.  First, please leave your first name on each comment you  make so that everyone else on the team reading it can know who left the comment.  Second, the topic of worship is something that we each can be sensitive to and there are many differing opinions in various areas of it, so remember to be sensitive to others on the team as disagreements are sure to pop up as we proceed.  Disagreements can definitely be a good thing as they often lead to great, intense, and fruitful discussions, just keep in mind that we don't need to win everyone over to our own opinion.  It is definitely ok to agree to disagree with one another.

With that said, I pray that this will be an enjoyable experience for every one of us and that we will develop an even greater understanding of worship both personally and as a team as we continue to lead our church in times of worship each week.

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