Monday, August 22, 2011

Chapter 4 - Blancing Heart With Skill In Worship

I'm on vacation this week, so I'm going to keep this post short and hope that many of you will have something to add to it.

Chapter four is a great reminder to us as a worship team that worship is not only about the heart.  Worship involves skill and the honing of our skills as well.  In our particular case, as a worship team our musicianship is one of those skills.  As the worship team and worship leaders for the congregation we need to have and work towards a level of skill that allows the congregation to engage with God through the songs without being distracted by musical mistakes or uncertainties (Don't let mistakes get you down though.  If you are working on developing your abilities, know that you are giving God the best that you can at that time and that He is "hearing the sound of our hearts" as Kauflin said it.  This chapter isn't meant to attack people for making mistakes during worship.  Rather it is an encouragement to develop your areas of giftedness and skill.)  In my mind a musician (or sound man or anyone involved in a worship service) can never really make it in their skill.  There is always another avenue of learning that can help a musician (or sound man) get better at what they do.  It could be technique, style, theory, memorization, or a number of other things, but there is always some way to continue to improve our skills.  I think as we improve these skills (with a heart that is right before God) we bring glory to God and worship Him even in the times of training or practicing that allow us to improve.  Not only that, but the more we improve our skills the easier it will be for the rest of the worship team to play and sing with us, the easier it will be for the congregation to engage with God, and the easier it will be for ourselves to connect with God.  As we build our skills we become more comfortable with our instrument or voice and it is easier to focus on God rather then on making sure we are playing or singing or mixing the song correctly.  We need to make sure that as a worship team we have a balance of skill and heart as we help to bring the congregation into an encounter with God.


  1. While replacing a cooler motor or moving furniture for our kids or fixing something at the Zalesky site, I sometimes forget about putting a little more effort into my contribution as a singer for the worship team (like maybe having more songs memorized so as to concentrate on doing different parts or blending better etc). Like noted in the reading, even if its only 15 minutes more a week, it can still help improve my skills and ultimately benefit the overall worship for the team and the congregation

  2. Good point, Enalo. This chapter is also reassuring to members who are discovering or bettering their skills. This allows us to experience growth as we are molded and shaped by God. It is easy to take credit for our growth and improvement, but it is important to recognize that we can have spiritual growth and remain humble when we give the glory to God. I've been looking up the scripture references when I come across them in the book. This had made my chapter readings more meaningful and is helping to broaden my understanding of the scriptures as they relate to the book.

  3. I need to practice more.
    I need to develop new skills.
    I need to read more theology books.

    ...and it's only chapter 4.

  4. This chapter was really good, and it did convict me of the importance of continuing to learn and grow and improve my own musical skills. I agree with you, Sam.....I need to practice more and develop new skills in order to keep striving to give my best to our Lord, serve Him well, and be more useful in His service.

  5. I have to admit that I got a little nervous when I first started reading this chapter. I am Joe, I have the heart, but not a whole lot of skill. But by the end of the chapter I am encouraged, and have decided I need to study the theory of music to become more skilled. Not quite sure whether I will do this through a book or class, but I am excited to pursue it. I am really enjoying this book.

  6. All of your comments are very thoughtful. What hearts for God you all have! I've experienced such a variety of worship team styles while camping/working over here in California this summer. Everything from the smooth and polished vocal ensemble(and that while sitting in pews with an ocean view...:) to the can't-get-any-more-rustic-than-this-come-as-you-are tent meetin' at the campground where the youth pastor's father-in-law (sound familiar?)led the worship singing old 70's praise songs! A variety of skills but all had hearts for our Lord and a desire to help us to connect with Him. That's what I say when people come up to me and say "Oh, the music was so good". I'm not disappointed (as the author feels) but rather I see it as a "leading" moment (remember we are to be worship "leaders"). So my response is "I'm so glad it blessed you and hope that it helped you to connect with God".
